Friday, February 22, 2013

Ways To Reduce Bounce Rate Of Your Blog

Tips to reduce bounce rate.
To be a professional blogger, you have to be aware of the do's and don'ts. You have to aware of your visitor/reader taste and know how to give your visitors to turn back to your site. May you can promote your blog on social media and search engines, you can bring many visitors. But there is an important question you have to answer which is, people who come to your blog are reading your article or just close the tab!?. This is the hard question you have to face it. This in blogsphere concepts known as " Bounce rate "..
Here we want to understand what that " Bounce rate " means.
Bounce rate is a term gives you an accurate percentage that tell you how much time your visitors stay in your blog. If that percent low then you are in the right track, but if it's higher than, you have to worry as if your bounce rate is high you will never get any benefit from blogging even if you carrying a promotional campaign.
To track your bounce rate use Google analytics.
Then, how to reduce your bounce rate!?.Firstly, when you see your bounce rate going to be higher you have to stop a while to rethink about your strategies, here you some important factors you have to concern.
  • Design of your blog template.
Your template is the first thing you have to concern, choose a template that has eye-catching color scheme. Your blog logo and header is the first thing your visitors will see. So that design your blog logo that reflect your blog topics. Provide to your visitors proper different links and search box that make roaming in your blog is so easy.
  • Choose elegant catchy titles.
choose a catchy title to your articles that meets your readers interests. Once your visitors read an interesting title sure will read your article thus will stay in your blog. 
  • Write a good content.
Content and content is the main factor of your blog success. The more engaging and good content, the more it will attract your visitors to be your readers and followers. So that try to write your private content that appeal your visitors. Amount of ads on your blog. Avoid to fill your blog with unnecessary ads by thinking that it will give you more earning. That doing will lower your earning not increasing it. Put ads in a regular places like side bar or header. Never confuse your readers to don't lose them.
  • Put a proper widgets.
That widgets will lead your bounce rate to go down. Add widgets like " Popular posts " , " Recent posts " that will help in engaging your reader for a long time in your blog.
Do the previous steps and you will get lower bounce rate percentage, that has helped me too.
Finally if i missed any other factors/ways that help in subject " Bounce rate ", please let me know, I will more than happy.

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